We finally managed to organize a trip through Europe for four Bushmen from Namibia! The tour, which will see our friends visiting England, Italy, Switzerland, Holland, Denmark and Germany, started July 1, 2010 and will end in early September.
The main target of this project is to show to the Bushmen some images of the European culture, with its many strengths and weaknesses.
Scintille sponsors the visit to Italy, where the Bushmen will be guests for a whole week, and has organized a series of encounters and cultural exchange meetings.
The most important are:
– Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 of July 2010 – Summer Festival at Belvedere Fogliense (PU): Introduction to the Bushmen culture by Luca Massalini and meeting with the Bushmen.
– Monday 19 of July –OLTREMARE (RN): we will be guests, thanks to infinite sensibility of the President Dr. Leandro Stanzani, at OLTREMARE, the famous park located neraby the Adriatic Riviera. Again, in the afternoon, there will be a meeting on the Bushmen culture and traditions.
During the stay in Italy there will be several visits to local economic realities, such as the company Francesco Bartolucci Srl located in Borgo Massano (PU), famous for its production of wooden toys and objects. We thank Bartolucci family for the huge support given to the whole project.